Ryde Town Council

Popular Resources

All Meeting Minutes, Agendas and Reports from Committees can be found here. To view the calendar of meetings, please click the heading above.
Find out who your local councillors are, what comittees they attend, the register of interests and by phone and email. how to contact them
Find out what tenders and contracts Ryde Town Council are looking for bids on, how to apply and the tender documentation.
The Town Council office is open to the public between 9am and 4pm Monday to Fridays. Town Council staff are available to answer your enquiries.
Read the latest news updates from Ryde Town Council. Updates. Keep in touch with the Council Services, and how they are running.
Ryde Town Council manage five different allotment sites which in total have 220 plots. Find out about our allotments here, and how you can apply for one.

Latest News

Ryde Town Council’s Place Plan and Corporate Business Plan 2020-2025 

Ryde Town Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2025 was approved by Full Council on 1st September 2020. The Corporate Plan is our main strategic document, providing a framework for the delivery of services. It is a clear statement of our vision and priorities.

For the Key Position statement, planning documents, and IOW Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Ryde and Newport, please see the planning section on our website under ‘Town Council’

 Corporate Plan and Ryde Place Plan 

Ryde Town Council

Supporting the health, well-being and economy of Ryde

“To support and enhance the health, well-being and economy of Ryde to the benefit of residents, local businesses and visitors within a culture that makes best use of our heritage and the beauty of Ryde”.

Your Town Councillors are here to help and to represent you. If we aren’t the correct authority to deal with your query, we will happily point you in the right direction, and represent you if necessary.

For details on how to apply for a grant please go to Grants.

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