Ryde Town Council plays an active part in all local planning issues.
Planning is probably the area of the Council’s role that is best known to the community and which can be of the most importance. Ryde Town Council comments on all Planning Applications within Ryde as a statutory consultee of the Local Planning Authority (the Isle of Wight Council) and facilitates discussion with them on matters of local concern.
To view Planning Applications made to the Isle of Wight Council Click Here and select from the appropriate list to view the application.
You can email our Place, Neighbourhood and Planning Officer on chris.turvey@rydetowncouncil.gov.uk
Ryde Town Council’s Place, Neighbourhood and Planning Committee will accept emails from the public regarding planning matters affecting Ryde. Any Ryde resident who wishes to share information and / or expertise to assist the Town Council with their response to planning, regeneration and environmental matters as well as local policy regarding the IW Council’s Regeneration Strategy and the Island Planning Strategy for Ryde can also contact us by emailing the Place, Neighbourhood and Planning Committee on jonathan.baker@rydetowncouncil.gov.uk
Next Place, Neighbourhood and Planning Committee
Please click here to view the agendas and papers for the next meeting, as well as previous agendas, minutes and supporting papers to the committee. The Committee meets on a Tuesday evening (unless stated otherwise), every three weeks, usually at The George Street Centre, Ryde Baptist Church PO33 2JF although this can also be subject to change). Members of the public are welcome to attend or can contact the Place, Neighbourhoods and Planning Officer prior to a meeting with any queries.
We have dedicated Planning web pages on the following issues:
- Consultation on proposed changes to the submission of planning applications.
Guidance on Planning Considerations
Consultation on changes to planning application submission.
Strategic Planning Options for Ryde
Pedestrianisation of the High Street
Culvert and Outfall Details now completed on Ryde Beach
Position Statement
In response to the Isle of Wight Council’s (IWC) Regeneration Strategy, and their review of the Island Plan Core Strategy which has led to the drafting of the new Island Planning Strategy (IPS), Ryde Town Council (RTC) has produced a Position Statement (PS) which aims to provide credible data and evidence to submit to the IWC’s Regeneration Strategy and to influence and inform the IPS at a key stage in its development.
Ryde Town Council have reviewed their Position Statement and incorporated the additional influences made by the Heritage Action Zone funding award and the Ryde Place plan.
The links below will take you to Ryde Town Council’s Position Statement, a document which gives the key points of the Position Statement and the recently and the long overdue Draft Island Planning Strategy.
Planning for Ryde, Ryde Town Council’s Position Statement
Key Points from the Position Statement
Draft Island Planning Strategy for Public Consultation
Printed copies of the Position Statement and the Key Points Document are available on request at the Town Council Offices.
Please feel free to email Ryde Town Council with your views, comments or submissions on: chris.turvey@rydetowncouncil.gov.uk
Ryde Place Plan
Ryde Town Council, in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council, have produced a Place Plan for Ryde, providing actions for positive change and regeneration across its priority retail and seafront areas and setting the whole within a context that characterises the town. The Place can be found using the following link:
Public Realm Strategy
Ryde is one of the main gateways to the Isle of Wight and its largest town. Considerable development in the 19th Century created a town with strong retail, economic, social and tourism functions and a rich wealth of townscape quality. Changes in the patterns of tourism and a gradual economic decline in the town since the 1960s have led to a loss of economic prosperity. This has had an impact on the quality of building maintenance, the loss of traditional urban features and the longer-term vitality of the town as a whole.
The Town Council have approved a budget for public realm improvements. This public realm strategy is a key initiative and has been developed to ensure that the Town Councils Public Realm Budget is used to deliver sustainable and appropriate public realm solutions in Ryde, underpinned by quality of design, local distinctiveness and respect for historic character. It takes regard of various plans and policies that have sought to provide a steer on the matters previously, namely the Ryde Area Action Plan and the Atkins Ryde Public Realm Strategy. A new RTC Public Realm Forum has been set up to consider Public Realm and Greening projects and make recommendations as to how the budgets are allocated. Ryde Town Councillors can submit requests personally or as a representative for residents or other organisations. If you have a suggestion for a public realm application please contact your ward Councillor to discuss this further. You can find out who your ward’s Councillor is and how to contact them here.
Alternatively members of the public can contact the Planning officer by phone on 01983811105 or by email chris.turvey@rydetowncouncil.gov.uk
Online Maps
The Isle of Wight Council has produced an online version of the Island Plan policies map that is kept up to date.
To view the Online Maps, please click here (website).
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