– Environments Officer

The Environment Officer has a wide range of responsibilities including the dog warden service, inspection functions and the enforcement of environmental crimes.  You can contact them by calling Isle of Wight Council on 01983 821000.

Dog Warden Service

  • Collection of stray secured dogs.
  • Re-homing of abandoned dogs.


  • Contract monitoring of beach and slipway cleaning.
  • Maintaining and inspecting play park areas.
  • Safety inspections of memorials.

Environmental Crimes

  • Environmental crime is crime that adversely affects the environment.  The Environment Officer in Ryde carries out patrols, investigates problems and uses enforcement powers to deal with offences.  The crimes can be dealt with by spot fines or prosecution. 
They include:
  • Littering.
  • Dog fouling.
  • Dogs off leads.
  • Dogs on beaches.
  • Fly-posting.
  • Graffiti.  
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