Budget Consultation
Have your say on Isle of Wight Council spending
Islanders are being invited to give their views on how the Isle of Wight Council should spend its money next year.

Like all councils, the Isle of Wight is facing a further reduction in the grant it gets from the Government. The Isle of Wight Council needs to save £5.5 million next year, as part of the £16.5 million savings that need to be found over the next three years and residents, businesses, the voluntary sector and town and parish councils are being encouraged to have their say on spending and service priorities for 2019/20.

You can give your views by attending one of the public and stakeholder meetings which are being planned and will be advertised shortly on their web page, you can respond to the budget paper presented to the Isle of Wight Coluncil’s Cabinet in November 2018 using the email address budget@iow.gov.uk , and you can take part by giving your views through their  online survey.  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6LTTQJK .

Background papers
View the budget papers presented to the Isle of Wight Council’s cabinet in November 2018, which provide background information and outline the options for savings: Budget savings 2019/20 – initial savings proposals.


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