Below is a list of services we provide, contribute towards and services we represent the community in.
- Allotments
- Beach Cleaning
- Beach Lifeguarding and First Aid Service
- Skatepark
- Beach Litter Bins
- Network Ryde (The town’s youth service)
- Local Illuminations
- Summer and Winter Planting
- Public Toilets
- Contributing towards the upkeep of local parks and gardens
- Grant funding local projects such as beach soccer, the carnivals and Aspire
- Acting as community hubs for organisations such as the Citizens Advice service, preventative health clinics, and other organisations that help tackle mental health problems, loneliness and poverty
- Funding community projects and vital services that have been cut by the Isle of Wight Council such as Ryde’s dedicated Environment Officer and the Waterside Swimming and Splash Pools
- Representing the community to the local Police and Health Services
- Representing the community on Planning matters with the Local Planning Authority
- Mayoral Engagements
For any issues relating to Housing Benefits, Council Tax, Planning, Environment and Waste please visit Isle of Wight Council website –
For any issues relating to roads/highways, flytipping, dog fouling and abandoned vehicles please visit the Island Roads website –