Look out for your annual elector form
All Island households are being reminded to complete and return their annual Register of Electors enquiry form, which is being sent out from this week.
Every residential property (about 72,000) on the Island is being sent a form – and it is vital all households respond, even if they have no electors present. It is a legal requirement to supply the information.
The form allows residents to advise the electoral registration officer of who lives at their address – and to add details of new residents, or change information if people have moved away.
Any newly identified electors will then be sent a personalised electoral registration form, which they must complete in order to be registered to vote.
The updated information will ensure all electors who have registered will be able to vote in any forthcoming elections or referendums.
Householders are requested to return their form by 24 August. Completing and returning the form will also help save the cost of sending reminders or follow-up visits.
Residents are encouraged to take up the option of completing the form online, via www.householdresponse.com/iow . To use this secure website, residents will need their postcode and the unique two-part security code that is printed on the form. Alternatively, if there are no changes at their household, residents can telephone 0800 197 9871 to confirm this.
The information collected from the canvass process will be used to update and complete the latest version of the Isle of Wight Register of Electors.
The Full Register is open for public inspection at Customer Services, County Hall, Newport. Additionally it can be used by some statutory bodies and credit reference agencies to help verify identities and protect against crime.
Open or Full Register?
There is a choice, however, about whether a resident permits their name and address to appear on the Open Register, as opposed to the Full Register. The Open Register is required to be available for use by commercial organisations. The choice to be excluded from the Open Register was introduced in 2002 – and there is a box for this option on the enquiry form.
Additionally, the enquiry form allows an existing elector to request an application form to vote by post or proxy. If an elector already has a permanent postal or proxy vote then this will be indicated on the form.
Also, young adults who are 16 or 17 years of age should be indicated on the form, so electoral registration can send them a registration form to enable them to register and vote once they turn 18.
If your household has not received an enquiry form by mid-August, then please contact the Electoral Services office at the Isle of Wight Council via electoral.services@iow.gov.uk or telephone the IW Council on 823380. They will check your details and send you a new form.