Ryde Town Council held a hugely successful open day on Friday 6th July to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Council. A number of members of the public attended and had the opportunity to raise a range of queries about the town with Councillors and Town Council staff.
The winners of the Council’s Design A Flag Competition were also announced. The Honours Working Party, which judged the competition, found it very difficult to select just three winners from over 100 entries received, all of which were of a very high standard. Lucas Richards aged 11, Beatrice Meredith aged 8 and Noah Barry aged 5, were finally chosen for their imaginative and innovative designs. The Mayor, The Deputy Mayor and all other Members would like to thank all the children that entered for their fantastic efforts.
The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Christine Hall, who presented the prizes for the competition at the Open Day, said “the whole day had a great community feeling, and all the children who entered did very well. It is nice to see young people becoming involved in their local council.”
The 1st and 2nd place winners Lucas and Beatrice were awarded their prizes at Ryde Town Council’s Open Day which 3rd place winner Noah could unfortunately not attend, however Deputy Mayor, Councillor Christine Hall, visited him in a school assembly to award his prize.
Images Below from top to bottom:
Lucas Richards, aged 11, Beatrice Meredith, aged 8, Noah Barry, aged 5, all pictured with Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Honours Working Party, Councillor Christine Hall.