– Fund Raising Appeal – Aspire- New Power Generation

Did you know Prince used to secretly buy people solar panels? We love this. Please help buy more.

Between the anniversary of Prince’s death (21st April) and his birthday on the 7th June, 10:10 are fund raising to put solar on the roofs of organisations fighting for the causes he believed in.

From now until the 7th June, Aspire along with 10:10 and 5 other local groups are part of an effort to raise £50,000. With the aim of funding free solar panels  – cutting their energy bills enabling them to spend more on the important work they do.

They hope to break through this target, install solar panels & save energy costs which they can then plough back into schemes within the community helping children, young people, families, homeless people, lonely people, the elderly & many more.

Can you join the campaign today and help them access free, clean energy?

Donate and join the new power generation



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