Reduction of sand levels on Ryde Beach.
The Isle of Wight Council are aware that the current build-up of sand is having an impact on surrounding areas, such as the harbour beach, Eastern Gardens and adjoining highway. In order to alleviate this, they have arranged to undertake sand levelling works at Ryde.
To prevent safety issues on the highway and further pedestrian obstructions, they have arranged to have the beach levels lowered. Along with these safety issues they have also taken into consideration that Covid restrictions are relaxing and more people are visiting the beach, and feel it is important that they commence these activities before the summer season begins.
This work will involve the use of large plant such as diggers, dumpers etc. Although the contractors have already set up their compound, the actual works will commence on Monday 19th April 2021 at 08:00.
To inform the public of their intentions, they have already displayed notices along the areas, to prewarn the public of the works.