– New guidance on rubbish collection for coronavirus self-isolating.

The Isle of Wight Council has issued advice for households which have suspected coronavirus (Covid-19) infections for disposing of waste.

The authority has issued new guidance for putting out rubbish to protect people and reduce the risk of speading infection.

When self-isolating with Covid-19 symptoms for seven or 14 days, to protect our recycling and waste collection crews please follow these simple steps:

* Place all personal waste such as used tissues, wipes, kitchen roll and cleaning cloths in to a rubbish bag.

* When full, tie the bag and place in a second and tied securely.

* Keep this waste separate from other waste in the room/household in which you are self-isolating.

* Please keep aside inside your property for at least 72 hours (three days) before putting out for collection.

Other recycling and waste can be disposed of as normal.
Lynnbottom and Afton Marsh household recycling centres are open. Please remember to practice social distancing while disposing of your recycling and waste.

For more further information and service updates, visit the webpages at www.iwight.com/waste

Contact Information
Martin Neville
Isle of Wight

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