Ryde Town Council next Planning, Regeneration and Environment Committee will be held at 6pm on Tuesday 26 April at Ryde Methodist Church, Garfield Road, Ryde.
As a statutory consultee, Ryde Town Council must be asked their views by the Isle of Wight Council.
This meeting will also provide a chance for Ryde residents to give their opinions on the application.
To allow as many members of the public as possible to speak, representations will be time limited (usually about three to five minutes). Any objections should be based on material planning grounds.
Anyone wishing to speak on this matter are welcome to attend.
Following this, the committee will then discuss the application and arrive upon a decision which will be recommended to the Isle of Wight Council (The Planning Authority) for their consideration ahead of any final decision that they will make on the application.
Pennyfeathers Reserved Matters application (20/02159/ARM) relating to the Outline Permission Application (P/01456/14 – approved by the Isle of Wight Council in September 2017).
Meeting papers can be found here on Ryde Town Council’s website.