*Press Release from Island Roads
Works on the highways element of the Ryde Interchange project are progressing well with an expectation that the paving on the north side of the new bus only road will be substantially complete and opened for pedestrians towards the end of the month.
From Monday 27th March 2023, work on the project will move into the final phase which will affect traffic movements through the area.
From that date, we will begin approximately nine weeks of work to create a new junction at George Street and the Esplanade. The main purpose of this junction is to allow buses to travel from the new bus station directly up George Street rather than having to travel along the Esplanade and double back at the Dover Street junction to exit the town. In addition, the work will also include new pedestrian crossings which will incorporate the latest safety features.
To allow the works to be undertaken safely, the following traffic management measures will need to be put into place:
- Esplanade, Ryde – the southern carriageway between Union Street to just west of Quay Road will be closed in a westerly direction.
- Vehicles will be diverted via Dover Street, Melville Street, Cross Street and Union Street.
- Deliveries for businesses between George Street and Dover Street can park on the north side of Esplanade at the rear of the temporary bus stand and cross at the adjacent zebra crossing.
- Deliveries for businesses between Union Street & George Street will be able to do so via a temporary loading bay accessible from the northern side of Esplanade.
- George Street, Ryde – the northern section of George Street between Esplanade and Castle Street will be closed, and the section of George Street between Melville Street and Castle Street will become two-way to provide access to residents and businesses.
- Melville Street, Ryde – will become one-way in a westerly direction from Dover Street to George Street.
Please note that the planned schedule is subject to change due to factors such as inclement weather or unexpected site conditions.
Thank you for your ongoing co-operation and we will continue to keep you updated on this project.
If you have any queries, please call Island Roads on 01983 822440.
Traffic Management Proposals