Ryde Town Council recognised the huge, often voluntary, contribution made to the town by honouring a number of Ryde’s residents and local community organisations with awards at a special evening on Wednesday 16th January 2019. The Awards enabled Ryde Town Council to thank those who go the extra mile within Ryde’s community.
The successful winners are as follows:
Tina Maretic from Jigsaw Family Support
Tina has been awarded for her efforts with Jigsaw Family Support, a community based organisation, by helping children grow in confidence, encouraging relationships between broken families, providing services to help with domestic and sexual abuse as well as mental health issues, plus much more. To find out more about Jigsaw Family Support, please visit their website: https://www.jigsawfamilysupport.com/about-us
Gwen Camis
Gwen has been awarded for leading the ‘Friend 2 Friend’ group at the George Street Centre for over 12 years, helping retired and more vulnerable members of the community attend to ensure those within our community do not become isolated. To find out more information please contact the George Street Centre or visit their website: https://rydebaptist.org.uk
Peter Bourne
Peter has been awarded for his hard work within the community through his role as the Managing Trustee at Garfield Road Methodist Church, and for leading ‘The Meeting Place’, a drop-in centre for people with a learning disability, as well as running a Dementia Support Group. For more information please visit: https://www.facebook.com/RydeMethodistChurch/
Zoe Thompson
Zoe has been awarded for her work as the chair of Ryde Business Association, helping micro-businesses in Ryde thrive all year round, as well as attracting visitors to the town through events. To learn more about Ryde Business Association please visit: https://rydebusinessassociation.org
Michelle Cullen
Michelle has been awarded for her volunteer work with Aspire Ryde; always going above and beyond what would be expected of a volunteer. She has completed a British Sign Language course to help hard-of-hearing service user and also works with the youth to motivate them to have a positive community outlook.
Carol Jaye
Carol has been awarded for her work with Ryde Arts, an organisation that bring together Art groups all year round to hold events and programmes helping stimulate tourism within Ryde, alongside supporting local artists. If you would like to know more about Ryde Arts, please visit: https://www.rydeartsfestival.org
The Veteran’s Breakfast Club
The Veteran’s Breakfast Club is a group who meets on the first Sunday of every month to support and aid Veteran’s and their families. The volunteers have been awarded for showing constant enthusiasm and passion for the club. For further details please visit: https://www.afvbc.net/clubs/isle-of-wight/
Ryde Library
Ryde Library is a central community hub for people of all ages. The staff and volunteers have been awarded for their welcoming and helpful nature, keeping a community hub alive and fully functioning for all service users. For more service details please visit: https://www.iow.gov.uk/Visitors/Where-to-go/Local-Libraries1/Ryde-Library/Introduction-to-Ryde-Library
Ryde Inshore Rescue
Ryde Inshore Rescue, an independent Lifeboat station based in Ryde, have been awarded for their constant effort to keep members of our community safe through all times of the year. To find out more information about Ryde Inshore Rescue, please visit: https://rydeinshorerescue.com/index.html
Ryde Carnival Committee
The Carnival Committee have been awarded for their constant hard work behind the scenes to ensure the best carnivals take place. For details of the events, please go to: https://rydecarnival.com
Aspire Ryde
Aspire, a safe space and community hub, have been awarded for all of their outstanding community work. Offering a range of groups and services, their sessions meet the needs of the whole community. For further information, please visit: http://aspireryde.org.uk
Ryde Town Council would like to thank everybody who attended the Honours Awards this year, as well as all who submitted a nomination. Ryde Mayor, Councillor Malcolm Ross said “Thank you to all of the people who give their time to ensuring Ryde is a wonderful place to live and show what a very caring community we are”.
For more photos please visit our Facebook page.