The Isle of Wight Council are holding the next area regeneration workshop for your part of the island on 25th January at the Castle Suite, Ryde Castle from 7pm to 9pm.
The first session, held at the end of November, was well attended and helped identify three key issues which will be explored in more depth at the second workshop:
· Large empty buildings – current status (ownership, plans), ideas for use, funding sources, who/how to take forward
· Greening Ryde – more green space, better use /care of what’s there
· Youth opportunities – Current provision, demand, options/ideas, funding sources, who/how/when
They will seek to determine a collective understanding of each issue, what is currently happening or is being planned to address it, what more might be done that usefully captures and utilises the skills, knowledge and expertise of local residents.
The format will be in a workshop style following short presentations on each issue.
All residents are invited to attend.
It would be helpful if you were able to confirm your attendance by emailing so they can cater for refreshments.