Local News
Following the elections at the beginning of May the new Council met for the first time on the 15th May and elected Henry Adams as Mayor and Malcolm Ross as Deputy Mayor for the coming year.
Ryde in Bloom
Gardening enthusiasts and those with a concern for the environment have an opportunity to win prizes and brighten up their gardens and community spaces, as Ryde in Bloom gets underway. It’s not just for flowers – we’re looking for great design as well as environmentally-friendly and sustainable planting. [responsive][/responsive]
Judging will take place over the summer months. The results of the competition will be announced at a presentation evening during the autumn.
There are 9 categories to choose from if you wish to enter. This year’s theme is ‘Ryde and the Sea’ and the closing date for entries is Friday 30th June 2017. Entry forms can be collected from the Ryde Town Council Offices in Lind Street, cut out from this month’s copy of the Beacon or downloaded from the Ryde Town Council website.
From Small Beginnings
Ryde Cemetery Heritage & Learning Centre will be holding ‘Open Days’ on the 17th & 18th June between 10.30am and 4pm. There will be many activities including guided nature walks, and self-guided trails to explore. Visitors are also invited to browse the archive folders.
The “residents” character drama will provide light-hearted entertainment each afternoon at 2 o’clock.
There will be a new exhibition in the south chapel called “From Small Beginnings” with a lot to peruse and no doubt the mannequin will make an appearance dressed in her latest finery!
Light refreshments available. Everyone is welcome.
Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day will be taking place on the 17th June and will be led by the Royal Marines Marching Band. This is a chance for all to show their support for our armed forces and salute our forces for all that they do. [responsive][/responsive]
Community Grants
Ryde Town Council is pleased to announce that it will be considering applications for community grants at their June meeting. Grants will be considered for projects that make a positive contribution to the town of Ryde and to the well-being of the local community. If you would like to receive an application pack, please email grants@rydetowncouncil.gov.uk. Closing Date for applications is the 9th June.