We received the following from Island Roads to update residents over the delays resurfacing Pitts Lane in Binstead.
12th June 2019
Island Roads St. Christopher House,
42 Daish Way, Newport,
Isle of Wight,
PO30 5XJ
Tel: 01983
Dear Resident,
Please accept our apology for the delay in providing you with an update regarding the resurfacing
works in Pitts Lane, Binstead.
During the resurfacing works we have discovered several soft spots in the road which has
delayed the scheme. Therefore, two sections along Pitts Lane will remain closed. The first section
is outside Pitts Haven and the second section is from Woodlands Cottage to The Old Forge Close.
Both of these sections require a full reconstruction.
We are aiming to complete the Pitts Haven reconstruction today (Wednesday 12th
June). This section of the carriageway will then be accessible to vehicles from Thursday
13th June onwards. During today’s works, residents north of this section will have access via
Church Road. Residents south of this section will have access via Binstead Hill.
We will then commence the reconstruction along the second section from Woodlands Cottage
to The Old Forge Close and aim to complete this by Friday 21st June. This section
of the carriageway will then be accessible to vehicles from Saturday 22nd June onwards.
During these works, residents north of Woodlands Cottage will have access via Church Road.
Residents south of The Old Forge Close will have access via Binstead Hill. Residents in
Wykenham Close will have no vehicular access during these works.
Whilst vehicular access is prohibited in Wykenham Close we kindly ask that residents within
this area contact our Help Desk using the details overleaf for any questions or access
requests. We will aim to assist you as much as safety permits whilst the works are carried out.
We will then be returning to Pitts Lane, Binstead in order to carry out the resurfacing
of these two sections which will require a closure for one day. The date of this closure will be
advertised on the yellow advanced warning signs on-site closer to the scheduled date.
Please be aware that our programme can be affected by various external influences. We do
endeavour to keep to the allocated time frame and while this letter is as accurate as
possible at the time of writing, please take note of the advanced signage for any changes to dates.
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your patience in this matter.
The crew on-site will be unable to help with access information.
If you would like to speak to someone directly, then please contact us:
Call: Island Roads Help Desk by telephoning: 01983 822440 Email: Island
Roads on info@islandroads.com
Visit: Our Visitor Centre (address at the top of this letter) Monday to Friday 10:00 –
16:00 hours
Yours faithfully,
Island Roads