– Who to call in the event of a flood

With heavy rain forecast across the Island please see who to call in the event of a flood in case it is needed.

  • For general issues around flooding, contact the Isle of Wight Council on (01983) 823600 (this also doubles up as the COVID-19 support line)
  • For Sandbags; Please see this link for more information about where to find the store http://islandroads.com/sandbag-collection-points-2/?fbclid=IwAR2DrB7W6bh_7bYhnJgghAVYhCIdf69dMNGdGqEG3N8ykrr53DqTS-AuqQM
  • To report flooding on the highway or drainage issues, contact Island Roads on (01983) 822440. www.islandroads.com 
  • Notify Southern Water if flooding affects your mains sewage/public drains by calling 0330 303 0368. www.southernwater.co.uk
  • the Fire Service has ways to pump the water out of flooded homes. Please contact – Main: 023 8064 4000, Out of office hours (5pm to 9am): 023 8038 6390, At the weekends: 023 8038 6390
  • The Environment Agency also provides help on flooding issues via its Floodline: 0345 988 1188
  • If you believe the flooding is from a main river or the sea, contact the Environment Agency on 0345 988 1188. www.environment-agency.gov.uk 
  • If you need to be evacuated because of severe flooding or damage, contact the police or dial 999
  • Notify the National Grid to report a gas leak as the result of flooding on 0800 111 999
  • Notify SSE of electrical issues such as power cuts by calling 105
  • For non-emergency calls pertaining to vulnerable older people, call adult services on (01983) 823340 (office hours) or (01983) 821105 (out of hours)

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