In responce to the Isle of Wight Council’s (IWC) Draft Regeneration Stratergy and their review of the Island Plan Core Stategy which has led to the drafting of the new Island Planning Strategy (IPS), Ryde Town Council (RTC) has decided to produce a Position Statement (PS) which aims to provide credible data and evidence to submit to the IWC’s Regeneration Strategy and to influence and inform the IPS at a key stage in its development.
In order to ensure that the Ryde community can robustly and effectively contribute to both the development of the new Island Planning Strategy and to the consultation on the Draft Regeneration Strategy the Town Council decided to proceed with this Position Statement. In agreeing this particular way forward (other options were considered and rejected) the Town Council has also taken account of the concerns being raised by the local community about the process and decision making being undertaken by IWC as part of the development of the new strategic planning and regeneration documents and about the likely impact of these on the town.
Ryde Town Council has created a working group to manage the formation of the Position Statement. The main tasks of the working group include the following:
Meet regularly to monitor and evaluate progress.
Attend meetings arranged by others relating to regeneration in Ryde.
Attend meetings arranged by the IW regeneration and policy teams.
The Position Statement aims to influence the IPS and draft Regeneration Strategy with information drawn from the following:
Content from draft and adopted policy documents which are still relevant.
Previous consultations which are still relevant.
Previous work carried out by the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce.
Ongoing consultation and survey data collected by IWC and RTC and other bodies and organisations.
Previous supplementary work undertaken by IWC and RTC to aid in the production of the previous draft AAP.
Please see links below for notes of working group meetings: